At-home laser light & photobiomodulation therapy devices founded on clinical trials with proven efficacy.

We work with a global network of scientists, producing a range of the best at-home infrared and red light therapies and protocols that are backed by clinical data. Powerful, safe and proven to be effective.

How does light work on our cells?

How does light work on our cells?

Light Therapy Cell Mitochondria
Increase in cellular energy (ATP)
Increase Nitric Oxide (NO)
Decrease in reactive oxygen species (ROS)

Medical-grade laser technology at-home

Our laser therapy stimulates the body’s natural healing processes on a cellular level.

  • Improves the gut microbiome
  • Reduces pain and inflammation
  • Regulates mood
  • Re-energises cells
  • Benefits sleep and digestion
  • Enhances brain function

At-home light therapy for Parkinson’s. ARTG listed and CE marked.

Hear the powerful impact SYMBYX light therapy has on our inspiring customers. The transformative results speak for themselves.


After being diagnosed with Parkinson's over three years ago, I was determined to do whatever I could to keep my activity level where it was in the past for as long as I could. I continued with yoga classes, walking, and learned special exercise routines formulated for PD patients. When a friend told me about the light therapy treatments in Australia, I decided to check into it and am so glad I did. Within days of my first use, I noticed that constipation issues were improving markedly and have remained so over the three months I have used the SYMBYX PDCare. Gradually, I also noticed improvement in my energy level and the fine motor skills in my hands and fingers. I could type easier and faster and my longhand writing improved significantly. I also noticed improvement in smell and can taste food better - always a good thing!

I thought I would likely need to increase my medication dosage the next time I went to the neurologist - but since using the light therapy, I do not feel I need a higher dosage and have also noticed that I do not have any 'off times' between my medication doses. I feel optimistic and encouraged with my improvements, and the SYMBYX (light therapy) has contributed to that feeling!


Jorge:“I had no energy, always felt tired. I also had dizziness, rigidity and balance issues when walking. I read some studies about photobiomodulation (or light therapy) and its effect on Parkinson’s disease. Everything made sense and I had nothing to lose trying this treatment, but many things to be hopeful for. Within a few weeks I started to notice change in symptoms. I noticed I had more energy and motivation; the dizziness and balance issues were also gradually disappearing."

Michèle:“He was so scared of falling, but now (after starting with SYMBYX) he walks fast and confidently. I can hardly keep up with him when we go hiking together! His general rigidity has subsided. I love seeing his beautiful smile every morning, and how happy, motivated and energised he feels. I believe hope is a very powerful motivator, especially when you’re dealing with an illness that is said to have no cure but a negative progression. Light therapy using the PDCare and SYMBYX Neuro (helmet) has given us a reason to be hopeful and dare to think of the future in a positive way. I was so afraid when my husband received his Parkinson’s diagnosis. He’s such a wonderful man and my best friend. I love him so much and can’t stand the idea of seeing him suffer and deteriorate. With PDCare and the results, we are achieving, there’s more and more reasons to replace fear with hope; we trust in science and in the wonderful people behind SYMBYX.”


"Before starting light therapy with SYMBYX, the main thing for (my partner) Paul was the off periods in Parkinson's. They were getting longer and his mood was getting worse.

Paul is a really active and energetic person and a sailor, so having to spendincreasing amounts of his time each day to deal with off periods was making him depressed. He felt like he couldn’t see a future. That’s where we were.This really concerned us because we thought things were just going to keep getting worse and worse, because doctors told us that’s what happens, that over time the effectiveness of the medication unfortunately wanes.

In February this year we started down the path of investigating Deep Brain Surgery at the same time as looking around for therapies that might supplement his meds and enhance their effectiveness. A friend saw an article about light therapy in The Australian newspaper which told how treating the gut microbiome was providing relief for some people with Parkinson’s.

After the first session with SYMBYX, Paul got an amazing result - immediate relief from constipation. After subsequent sessions (using the PDCare Laser at home) I would describe the results as astounding. Straight away his mood and sleep improved and he stopped getting nightmares. When he gets nightmares they are accompanied by involuntary movements/thrashing about. These went straight away. This was good for him and me - as I sleep with him!

He used to wake several times each night and be unable able to get back to sleep. Now he typically sleeps from 10PM - 6AM. When Paul was a having a bad day and loads of bad broken sleeps he wasn’t up for socialising or doing other things he used to enjoy and this affected both of us. That he is having far less bad days/nights now means we have rediscovered our social life and that works for both of us. It’s also true to say I am also sleeping better because he is no longer thrashing around so it’s a win-win as a couple.

Having many more better days means we can do all the things we love – sailing, boating, spending time with our family and friends like everyone else does. Before light therapy Paul was having half an hour off time every three hours. This is no longer the case. In fact, he recently forgot to take his meds at 3.30 PM and again at 6.30 PM and at 8 PM we were sitting down playing cards when he realised. We couldn’t believe it! He usually is just waiting for the next pill.

What would I say about light therapy to others? Grab light therapy with both hands. It’s a no brainer. What we like is that it’s not invasive. There are no chemicals involved so you’re not adding to an already long list of meds. It’s not hazardous and there aren’t any big hoops you have to jump through. For us the results were immediate. That’s the absolute truth! We didn’t need to wait 3 months. This might not be the case with everyone but there’s no downside in trying light therapy so give it a go!”


"I believe it (light therapy using the PDCare) has had a very positive impact on me and my symptoms over the last few months. I have felt more energetic and less tired, very clear-headed and I believe I'm moving better than before. I'm definitely running faster.

I also definitely have less stiffness in my right arm and fingers. It seems to further enhance the impact of my PD medication."


"I use both the SYMBYX helmet and the laser, and it's made a big difference in my hand dexterity. I love to knit - a little crocheting, but mainly knitting. Before (SYMBYX), I wasn't able to do a lot of knitting; there were only certain times during the day that I could knit because I would experience a little wearing off of the medication, and I wouldn't have the hand dexterity. But now, I can pick up knitting at any time during the day!"


"I was diagnosed in August 2019 even though by then I’d had symptoms for a while. I think I ignored my tremor because I was still grieving the passing of my Dad. He had died with in 2018 and had Parkinson’s too. My dad was very negative about his illness and, perhaps, I didn’t want to face up to the possibility I might have the same disease. Then, I decided that at my age there had to be options. I felt too young to just submit to the disease. I went and saw an integrative medical doctor who was very open minded and suggested I try both acupuncture and light therapy in addition to seeing a neurologist.

For me too, it’s really important to help other people my age, who have years yet to live a full life. This disease affects people of all ages, not just people who are very old, and I feel like it’s become my purpose to help people my age live better with Parkinson’s. I want them to know there are options and those options, like light therapy, can work. They just have to be open to trying it."


“Being able to use a drug free alternative, freely, without any negative side effect, has meant I can treat my pain and not have that debilitating ongoing pain” says Susie who lives with daily chronic pain. Susie


"In 2021 a friend, who had known of my enthusiasm for laser therapy, noticed an online report on the hand-held, battery driven SYMBYX laser. I immediately placed an order. After a month or two of using the laser therapy, the pain and discomfort in my back had reduced; the dull pain in my gut had become less of a concern; and I seem to suffer much less from the tremors in my arms and legs that are the bane of many people with PD.

The laser therapy is now an important component in the comprehensive list of things I do to contain my Parkinson's, and which also includes neuro-physiotherapy, strength training, voice therapy, stationary bike exercises, walking, and the course of tablets recommended by my neurologist. As a result, I am confident my Parkinson's Disease will be less restrictive on my lifestyle – and I feel I am better placed to get on with enjoying my life.

Everyone I spoke with from SYMBYX, including the Clinical Support Team provides excellent customer service, and took the time to answer all of my questions.."

Experience the exceptional care you deserve

Receive unparalleled one-on-one support from our team of expert clinicians, who help manage your personalised care plan, providing unlimited advice as your treatment progresses.


We partner with esteemed scientists and clinicians, dedicated to delivering innovative technology to our customers.

<p>Dr Joyce Ramos (PhD)</p>
<p>Dr Joyce Ramos (PhD)</p>

Dr Joyce Ramos (PhD)

Research Partner
Flinders University, Australia​

<p>Dr Ann Liebert (PhD)</p>
<p>Dr Ann Liebert (PhD)</p>

Dr Ann Liebert (PhD)

Co-Founder, Scientific Advisor,
Sydney Adventist Hopsital, Australia

<p>Dr Geoffrey Herkes  (MD, Neurologist)</p>
<p>Dr Geoffrey Herkes  (MD, Neurologist)</p>

Dr Geoffrey Herkes (MD, Neurologist)

San Hospital Research Director, Research Partner,
Sydney Adventist Hospital, Australia

<p>Dr Brian Bicknell (PhD)</p><p></p>
<p>Dr Brian Bicknell (PhD)</p><p></p>

Dr Brian Bicknell (PhD)

Co-Founder, Scientific Advisor,
NICM Health Research Institute, Australia

<p>Ms Anita Saltmarche (RN, MPH),</p>
<p>Ms Anita Saltmarche (RN, MPH),</p>

Ms Anita Saltmarche (RN, MPH),

Research Partner,

<p>Orla Hares (Neurophysiotherapist)</p>
<p>Orla Hares (Neurophysiotherapist)</p>

Orla Hares (Neurophysiotherapist)

Research Partner,

<p>Dr Liisa Laakso (PhD)</p>
<p>Dr Liisa Laakso (PhD)</p>

Dr Liisa Laakso (PhD)

Research Partner,
Mater Research, Australia​

<p>Dr Tatjana Ewais (Clinical Psychiatrist, PhD)</p>
<p>Dr Tatjana Ewais (Clinical Psychiatrist, PhD)</p>

Dr Tatjana Ewais (Clinical Psychiatrist, PhD)

Research Partner,
Mater Research, Australia

<p>Dr John Mitrofanis (PhD)</p>
<p>Dr John Mitrofanis (PhD)</p>

Dr John Mitrofanis (PhD)

Research Partner,
University of Grenoble, France

<p>Professor Hosen Kiat (MD, Cardiologist)</p>
<p>Professor Hosen Kiat (MD, Cardiologist)</p>

Professor Hosen Kiat (MD, Cardiologist)

Scientific Advisor, Macquarie University, Australia